Hey guys! I’m really excited to start this blog… it’s honestly so long overdue! I’ve been in the health and wellness industry for well over 15 years and I know how it can be pretty crazy to navigate that world sometimes. You’ll love what I have to share- it’s a collection of recipes I create (mostly plant-based, mostly dairy-free, and mostly gluten-free). Most of all.. picky-eater friendly ;).

Sometimes my inner-nutrition geek will come out (I love talking science and evidence-based research). I will also share tips and tricks, thoughts and comments on social events & situations. I love all things yoga, spirituality, fitness, movement, and dance as well.

I encourage you to send me messages and leave comments! I’m happy to connect any way that suits you best- find me on social media @thewellnessgirl.

Yours in happiness & health,
