It’s 8am on a Monday morning as I write on this gorgeous fall day. I sit down to notice the sunrise and feel a bit of gratitude pouring in. And… my coffee tastes delicious:). This is how good days are started.

It’s been almost a whole year since the last time I’ve written! But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy behind the scenes, and focusing on life, health & wellness;). In fact, just last week, I’ve finally decided to make The Wellness Girl my official website and calling card.

That decision didn’t come out of nowhere. I knew that something needed to change, and I also knew that time would reveal what that was and also when it would be. Like a chrysalis before the butterfly emerges into its new and beautiful vibrant self. I’ve closed one chapter to open a new one.

Life Balance Fitness was my original dream back when I thought I wanted to open and run a fitness & wellness studio! Time has revealed that maybe a studio isn’t truly where I am meant to focus my energy. Since I had created The Wellness Girl as my online persona and blog, I felt the gentle nudge to moving forward with only this. No longer hiding behind a bigger facade, and a larger-sounding operation. Just The Wellness Girl.

The Wellness Girl is very much who I am. It will evolve as time goes on, but it does completely represent all that I have offered and all that I continue to offer in the way of health, wellness and movement. I trust that it will also become more than I could have ever dreamed:). I have great plans in store!

I truly believe that tranquility and gratitude pave the way to great things. I hope you find courage to step into your truth and to move forward through life knowing that transformations and evolution are natural consequences of being alive!
